Monday, 26 November 2007

Wot no BBC coverage?

The BBC website has not updated its squash page since late October 2007Visitors to squashblog may have noticed the lack of movement in the BBC RSS feed at the top of the page.

The date in the screengrab to the left appears to say it all - have the BBC abandoned coverage of squash on their website?

Squashblogger isn't best pleased either. The inclusion of the RSS feed at the top of the page rounded squashblog's design off nicely, and the feed is a lot more customisable than the one provided by the WSF.

The BBC site says that it was last updated on the 23rd October 2007. Does the lack of coverage of both World Opens mean that the BBC has decided not to cover the sport any more?

It is possible that the recently announced cutbacks at the Beeb may be to blame.

The inclusion of third party content at the bottom of the page, together with the disclaimer "The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites" does not augur well ...

Squash page at BBC Sport

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