Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Poll: Does squash need a Steve Redgrave-style figure?

Ballot boxA recent article on the Guardian website suggested that squash needs a "Steve Redgrave-style figure" to generate more interest in the sport.

Do you agree? Vote in the poll to the right ...

Poll now closed - results and analysis to follow.

Squash diminished by zero status

1 comment:

  1. I do think that Squash would benefit from a real champion for the sport, but it is a chicken and egg situation in terms of coverage - a charismatic figure would undoubtedly help, but the media have to be interested too. I may be out of order, but I feel that people like Peter Nicol and John White who are revered within the sport could be doing more promotional work with the media. As I said in response to a different discussion I virtually stumbled across the fact that the Canary Wharf tournament was taking place and very few of my fellow club members knew and even fewer of the casual players knew and it appears that was a Peter Nicol promotion!!!!


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