Tuesday, 24 April 2007

The 80s game due for a revival?

Yet another BBC website article this month in support of squash - this time suggesting that the "1980s game" may be due for a return to fashion.

Ashour v Palmer, Qatar 2007Matt Slater likes to champion squash's cause, and he has also posted another 606 article on the same theme for visitors to comment on.

Well done the BBC!

The BBC website article
The 606 article - have your say!


  1. Not sure that promoting the game as a retro activity is the way to go, but good article!

  2. Aside form all the obvious input in schools, trianing programmes, the oft mentioned Olympic issue ... any sport needs it's heroes for people to hang their ideas about the game on. Squah isn't short of characters on the court so why aren't they more to the fore? Any who do people think are the best out there? Personally White and Power have always been the best for me in terms of perosnality on and off the court. Thoughts?


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