Thursday, 14 May 2009

Finsbury and Sobell courts to be saved!

Sobell CentreSTOP PRESS!

It appears that there is a silver lining to the credit crunch where squash is concerned ...

We've reported the latest developments on the future of the Finsbury and Sobell leisure centres for the past couple of years, focussing on the threat to the squash courts there.

So today's news that Islington Council is going to shelve its plans to rebuild the premises (which would have almost certainly reduced the numbers of squash courts) due to tumbling property prices will be a sigh of huge relief for all the squash players in the community who use the facilities.

Full details here.

More to follow ...


  1. Hi! I'm a squash player who is rather upset about the status of squash as a sport around the world. It is deemed as a dying sport but personally, I feel that there is a revival.

    Currently, I'm fighting to keep the squash team in my school alive after being told that the management is shutting it down due to various reasons.

    Let's hope that this wonderful sport will gather more players and more attention from the masses. Meanwhile, my team is petitioning against the decision. Anyone reading this, please join the facebook group "Save TP Squash" as a form of support. Thank you.

  2. Hurrah for squash. However Gordon Kerr's quote in the Islington Gazette is rather ridiculous. It's fair enough to link obesity to lack of public sports facilities, but murder? Really!?

  3. This is such a relief I play there every week. Well done Islington council.


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