Friday, 27 March 2009

BBC article singles out squash as most worthy

BBC srticleIn a month where two showpiece squash tournaments held in London have worn their Olympic aspirations on their sleeves, a new article on the BBC Sport website sings squash's praises as a 2016 hopeful.

The blog written by Matt Slater, who is responsible for Olympics-related content, weighs up the contenders for October's vote in Copenhagen before concluding that squash has the greatest claim for Olympic status ...

Slater was supportive of the bid in a previous article from 2007.

Welcome coverage of our sport's bid just at the right time.

Seven sports seek Olympic love


  1. There iis no way that golf should be in there!!!

  2. Before events like this i always have a felling that this time it is going to happen. But as it appears time after time it takes more than just a crowd of fans that want their sport in Olympics.


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