Friday, 31 October 2008

Butler serves up rugby's Olympic crudentials

Olympic ringsRugby columnist Eddie Butler - writing in Sunday's Observer - has made a couple of compelling points for rugby sevens' inclusion in the Olympics.

Squash administrators take note ...

The commentator and former captain of Wales notes as part of a longer article:

"If there are selling points, one would be that rugby would use - and fill - the Olympic stadium between the opening ceremony and the start of the athletics programme. Another would be that rugby is prepared to take itself to new places and excite new audiences.

If rugby were to be selected it would do wonders at junior levels in a whole new raft of countries where state funding is dependent on a sport's inclusion in the Olympic programme. Rugby could be going truly global."

The point made in the first paragraph about filling the stadium is something that squash cannot compete with, but the portability of the sport gives it other advantages where scheduling and location are concerned.

Is squash equally prepared to "take itself to new places and excite new audiences"?

1 comment:

  1. It's an impressive statement by Mr Butler that rugby would sell out but it is not based on any factual evidence. I am very involved in the rugby scene and premier matches such as England v Australia and Scotland v New Zealand in the coming weeks are not sell outs and with the exception of the Hong Kong Sevens, very few of the international 7's tournament sell-out.

    Never let the truth get in the way of a good story


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