Thursday 22 May 2008

Squash rides the Metro

James WillstropApparently there was an important football match last night, but that hasn't stopped the Metro finding the column inches for a half-page interview today with England's number one squash player ...

In the interview James Willstrop talks about his quest to become the best player in the world (and remain there), the current Atco Super Series Finals 2008 and looking forward to a rest after a gruelling schedule of tournaments.

The Super Series finals are this year being held again at Broadgate Arena, though Willstop's run of matches (and a slight injury scare) seem to have caught up with him as tonight he will be playing for a minor placing in the event.

Metro logoOne of the two Frenchmen - Greg Gaultier and Thierry Lincou - will contest Friday's final, where they will be joined by the winner of Amr Shabana and David Palmer's semi-final.

Atco Super Series Finals 2008

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