Wednesday, 5 December 2007

England Squash launch Facebook group

The England Squas group on FacebookEngland Squash's new marketing department have launched a new group for squash players and fans on the social networking website Facebook.

Billed as a "great way for members, clubs, fans, and anyone who is keen to get involved with squash, to communicate directly with England Squash", the group will also feature news from England's top professionals, "including James Willstrop, Nick Matthew, Tania Bailey, and Vicky Botwright".

Members will be able to "discuss the latest news and views through the interactive 'Wall'", as well as keeping in touch with the organisation more effectively.

This is a promising initiative from the new marketing set-up at the organisation, showing evidence of a new strategy that looks to embrace the possibilities that new technology provides.

It is also a great way of targeting younger squash players and fans.

With 215 members at the time of writing, it appears to already be having some success.

Facebook (requires member log-in - then search for England Squash)
England Squash

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