Monday 9 July 2007

Morales: tengo gusto del squash

Evo Morales - with jumperWhen not riling the United States or transforming his country into a socialist utopia, apparently Bolivian president Evo Morales finds time for a game of squash.

A keen football player, Morales also likes a hit before dinner.

The squash court must be the only place he doesn't wear that famous jumper.

A man who has previously worked as a bricklayer, baker, trumpet player, harvester of sugar cane and llama herder doesn't sound like someone who shies away from hard work - and this must surely make him a fit and formidable opponent.

Does the fact that Morales plays squash suggest that the sport has socialist crudentials? Equality of access, cheap to play, rewarding hard work - and once the court door closes we are all equal within those four walls.

But how can this be so when squash's image is - to some degree - still associated with City boys and private members clubs - icons of capitalism (remember Gordon Gecko on court?)?


1 comment:

  1. IS there a clip of Michael Douglas playing squash in Wall Street? I ca't find one.


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