Wednesday, 11 July 2007

IOC gives squash new hope

199th IOC Session - Guatemala CityThe International Olympic Committee (IOC) has decided to make its rules for adding new Olympic sports more flexible - giving hope to squash after it failed to make the 2012 Games.

The IOC came to the decision in a recent session in Guatemala City.

The decision means that there are to be 25 core Olympic sports with three "floating" sports at the Olympics from 2020, with all up for review after each Games.

The IOC members will now drop or include new sports by a simple majority vote. Previously the IOC rules required a two-thirds majority before sports could be granted Olympic status.

When the old voting system was last used in 2005, squash was selected as one of two sports nominated for inclusion but failed to achieve the two-thirds majority required.

The International Olympic Committee


  1. why isn't squash in the olmypics? baseball is even in there!!

  2. Can't believe baseball is in the Olympics??? Get squash in there...


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