Thursday, 1 February 2007

Egyptian flair

Shabana v DarwishGreat to see three Egyptian players in the top 10 of the PSA world rankings.

Those in the know recognise a flair for shot-making as a feature of the Egyptian game. I've been lucky enough to see Amr Shabana and Karim Darwish in a number of thrilling contests - their racket work some of the most exciting since Jonathon Power's retirement.

With Ramy Ashour bursting on to the senior Tour, squash in Egypt looks in a very healthy state: maybe this will stir wider interest in the game in Africa?

Be sure to catch any of these guys if they're in town!

STOP PRESS: Ashour has just been added to the line-up for the 2007 Canary Wharf Classic.



  1. And it's actually 5 egyptians in the top 20 for Feb - you forgot to include Wael El Hindi and Mohammed Abbas....

  2. ..and two women in world top 20


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