Wednesday, 2 January 2008

"Bound to create a good deal of interest in squash circles"

A freezing cold squash court, yesterdayAbercorn Sports Club in Edinburgh has (apparently) achieved a world first for squash.

The club has installed new squash court heaters, that "will provide (their) players and visitors with a stable court temperature regardless of outside temperatures" ...

The heaters have been fitted in courts 1 and 2, and "are of a type not fitted in any other squash courts in the World".

Used in a recent closed tournament, they were voted a great success. And as they promise to provide "players and visitors with a stable court temperature regardless of outside temperatures", they are "bound to create a good deal of interest in squash circles".

Many squash players will be going blue with envy as they spend the first 15 minutes of their winter months' court time frantically pummelling a two-spot in avoid it dropping like a stone.

Abercorn Sports Club


  1. can you tell me something more about that heaters????

  2. I will endeavour to find out ... watch this space ...


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