Wednesday, 3 October 2007

What's my name W-I-S-P-A?

What shall I wear for the next round?In a handy new initiative designed to make women's squash more appealing to the armchair viewer, WISPA has decided to make its players display their names on their clothing during matches.

The rule means that the women must have thir names displayed on their backs, and will apply for any players reaching the quarter-finals of WISPA Gold and Platinum tournaments.

WISPA Chief Executive Andrew Shelley said the decision was made because "we want our stars to be more easily recognisable, especially bearing in mind that a good deal of TV coverage is filmed from behind".

A useful excuse for the women pros to put in a call to their clothing sponsors and demand a new winter collection ... but will the PSA follow suit?

The WISPA announcement

1 comment:

  1. HAs this not been used in major tournaments before? Sure I remember it being used at the Commonwealths..


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